Get Your Ex Lover Back Fast - Natural Tricks For Winning Back Your Ex-GF Fast


Once you and your GF have broken up your mind is a mini cyclone of negative thoughts. This cycle can last for weeks or even months and it is hard to know what to do. The more you feel bad the more difficult it is to break out of your bad emotions. This is because a part of our human nature is that we need to feel emotions (getting back together with an ex). The problem is you can’t function well when you’re in this state. Being in an emotional state without growing is when you start making crucial errors like coming across as desperate. You will mature and develop if you recognize that these emotions are there and need to be dealt with. First give yourself time to heal and realize that sadness and crying are perfectly acceptable. Finding an emotional outlet is the first step toward healing and getting back with your girlfriend. By finding soothing activities you will heal yourself emotionally and be better equipped for the future.

How you can win your ex-girlfriend back by leaving her alone

Leave your ex girlfriend alone and give her space for a few weeks after you break up. As you cut off communication you will find that this is hard for you but it will also be hard for her. Your tempers will have time to lessen without communication especially if she or you were angry right when you broke up. By leaving her alone she will have time to think and remember the good times you two had.  People simply need space and by doing this you will show her how independent and mature you are (getting previous lover to return). You should also not hound her friends and family for help and advice. If you call her friends repeatedly she will become embarrassed and even angry and ruin any future you might have had.   Your ex GF will not be able to miss you if you are always pestering and contacting her. However if she pursues a conversation you should be attentive and not ignore her or be distant. It is simply good manners to give her space and shows that you respect her individuality and choices.

How you can get back your ex GF by taking better care of yourself

After a break up you will find that you have some free time that should be used in the best way possible. If you wisely use this time to improve yourself you will feel and even act better. In order to appear attractive to your ex again you need to feel and look sharp. If you are out of shape start going to the gym or join a team. It is inevitable that you will meet new people while trying new things and this will help you enjoy life more. By working up a sweat you will get rid of your negative emotions and feel more positive. Try to cut out excess sugar and beer and junk food in order to really feel great. Also make a visit to a barber or a hair salon and clean up your look with a haircut or new hair color. Look into receiving a facial or face massage to really relax and exude a self-confident glow.  After making these few small changes you will feel better about yourself and even else will notice a change in you as well.

Make a change to your style in order to get back your ex

In order to re-attract your ex-lover you may need to change up your style. There is not a whole lot that you need to do besides change up your style. Most men lack the desire to look good after a breakup since they´d rather spend all day moping around the house. There is no time is better than after a breakup to hit up the clothing stores. If your life is going through a new cycle it is important that your clothes reflect that. Look around and see if your clothes are the same as when you were in high school and if this is the case make a change (get your ex lover back fast). It is important that you don´t spend all your money trying to change your wardrobe. All you need is a subtle change of a few items of clothes to look more professional and grown up. Just flip through a men’s magazines or look to a movie star for a few style suggestions. Your new outer shell will baffle your ex and once she realizes that you did it for her she will be overjoyed with your sweet gesture.