How To Make My Ex Girl Want Me Back - 2 Best Methods To Win Back An Ex-Lover Quickly


Getting your ex girlfriend back starts with finding the right attitude. Without compromise relationships can’t work so get your attitude in line. Women are usually attracted to mature men who show independence and confidence. Developing a playful sense of humor can go a long way in self-improvement. These two traits are attractive because they tell other people that you’re youthful. Try to laugh more and honestly have a good time around other people (secrets to pull her to you). After trying these things for a little while you may find that you are generally happier. By being around friends and family you will feel better and have support. The important thing is that you don’t just wait alone in a corner and hope for her to come back to you. When you do see her try to be playful and fun and tease her lovingly.

How you can win back your ex-lover back by being social

Striking up a friendship with another girl may help you win back your ex. It is essential that you do not confuse this step with actively pursuing or chasing anther girl. If you hook up with another girl and she finds out your chances of getting back together are severely diminished.  If she knows that you are chasing other girls she may become very jealous and chase after another guy. Just going out with a group of girls platonically will show your ex that attentive girls like being around you. If it is subtle enough it will make your ex-lover feel more interested (tips on getting your ex girlfriend back). Being social and spending time with friends will demonstrate to her that you are moving past things. She can rethink her decision about leaving you if she sees that other people value your company. Demonstrate that you are content with her or without her by showing up to parties and enjoying yourself. When your paths do cross be sure to show her the humor and charm that originally won her over.

How you can win back your ex-girlfriend by becoming her friend

Working on a friendship with your ex will help greatly when you want to get back together with her.  Becoming friends with your ex is a great way to repair any broken trust that occurred during the break up. You want to show your ex that you are worthy of her trust as it is an essential element in relationships. At first keep your conversations and meetings short and fun.  You do not want to rush this process so make boundaries for yourself for how often you will see her. Let her know that you feel positive about her as a person and that you'd like to be friends with them. Try to keep the activities fun and light like going out to coffee or hanging out at a pool. Without saying anything you want to remind her of the great times that you two had together before the break up. Try to direct the conversation towards things that you both like talking about and demonstrate that you are confident and passionate. While pursuing this friendship don’t forget to keep working toward your own goals of self-improvement.

Change up your hair and your wardrobe if you would like to attract your ex’s attention. Besides walking with confidence you only need to change a few simple things about your appearance. It is difficult to make yourself look good after a breakup because you tend to want to just lie around the house. There is no time is better than after a breakup to hit up the clothing stores. It may be a subtle change but it will show that these new things you are learning are translating outwardly as well. Look around and see if your clothes are the same as when you were in high school and if this is the case make a change (how to make my ex girl want me back). It is not necessary for you to max out your credit card buying new clothes. All you need is a subtle change of a few items of clothes to look more professional and grown up. Just flip through a men’s magazines or look to a movie star for a few style suggestions. Once your ex finds something changed in you she will be dying of curiosity and wondering why and how it happened.